The most difficult plan to implement would be protection if the worst was to happen to you.
Carefully planned Life Assurance could be there to help your family cope if you were to die.
Whether this is to protect family everyday costs, mortgage or loan payments, school fees or inheritance Tax liabilities, we will help you plan for your individual needs for now and the future.
1 – British Heart Foundation, Coronary Heart Disease Statistics 2014 (based on 2011 figures)
What Happens If I’m Unable To Work?
Income Protection
If you’re the main breadwinner for the family, then Income Protection could form part of your overall protection plan.
We know that very few employers support their staff for more than a year if they’re off sick and given what could be relatively low levels of State benefit available, Income Protection should be a serious consideration for many.
It could certainly make a major difference to you and your family if you are unfortunate enough to be unable to work through an accident or sickness.
Income Protection plans can be tailored to fit with any existing employer arrangements you may have in place and will provide you with a replacement income should you suffer a qualifying long term sickness.
There are many different options available in Income Protection contracts. We will help you make the right choice which will be linked to your individual needs.